About Us

The Path of Hope Foundation successfully brought standard wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, neurological chairs, walkers, canes, and tricycles to the cities of Moquegua and Ilo in Peru in 2016. These imported equipment provide mobility to individuals who have difficulty walking or moving independently. However, as a team, we have a common purpose for this Peruvian country. The Path of Hope Foundation continues to have projects aimed at bringing wheelchairs, in collaboration with other American foundations.

Help us in our goal by donating here.

Founding Partners

Rolando Luna

We intend to activate their knowledge in innovative technologies favorable to people with disabilities and extreme poverty, so that they can improve their current conditions, with the sole purpose of giving them a better standard of living.

Alberto Castillo

Definitely I sympathize working within a team of people, which tries to improve living conditions through the development of social programs for children and people with special abilities and even adults in extreme poverty and to be able to dignify their reason for living. God guide us.

James R. de Anda

Our goal must always be to live the gospel of Jesus Christ – especially to embody charity, accompanying people in their hardships and doing everything possible to address their shortcomings.

Paula Hamp

Paula Hamp has 40 years of experience in the area of working with individuals with special needs. Paula was diagnosed with a learning disability when she was in second grade.

Henry Witte

Our goal is to help the poor and people with disabilities in Peru and Nebraska. With our effort, we will provide food, nutritional supplements and medical equipment and that we can fulfill the teaching of Jesus to love our neighbor, as ourselves.

Jeffrey Kihien

In recent years I have personally seen extreme poverty and the needs of people with special abilities in Peru. I was especially moved to see how a wheelchair given to a young woman helped her to get around her city and to be able to sell items in the market to help her family.


Our foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with various functional vulnerabilities. We provide technical assistance with therapeutic devices that address mobility needs, both personal and assisted. Our commitment is to promote inclusion, autonomy, and the overall well-being of those who need it most.


We envision a future in which all people with different abilities have equitable access to health, technology, and devices that enable them to fully develop. We aspire to be a benchmark in promoting equal opportunities and solidarity within our community.